Thursday 4 July 2013

Failing is not the end...

I read somewhere "If you're not failing, you're not trying hard enough". There is a lot of people who would disagree with this statement but i do believe in this statement. Maybe we need to fall to make us realise how much we want something and be willing to push that much harder to accomplish something even greater. By failing at something, doesn't make us weak, it makes us stronger by recognising our weaknesses and facing up to our challenges.

Wednesday 4 January 2012

Favourite place to be.

Sometimes the little simple things are the most beautiful. I have always had an obsession with London, even though I only live a few hours away, I just find it a beautiful city. Westminster is my favourite place to visit, go along the bridge and watch the water ripple in the summer, so peaceful and calm. The first picture was in Greenwich walked up a hill on a boiling hot day but well worth the view! The second was a few years ago, (can't remember where forgive me) but I just love how beautiful the sea looked.

Wednesday 30 November 2011

Stop, Look & Listen

This is my first blog post, so I wanted to start off with something inspiring....

I didn’t actually see this video until he passed away but I have to admit he did move me. It made me see whatever difficulties you may face, there will always be that silver lining and you should continue to follow what you love to do.
“Stay hungry, Stay Foolish”
People around me are the people that inspire me the most as you can actually see how hard they work. My inspiration as corny as it is, my Dad.  He works tirelessly, he always pushes me to do and be better. He is my motivation to keep going. Find your inspiration and use it.
So stop for a second
Take a look around you
And listen.